Tuesday, April 5, 2016

French Immersion Resources for Parents/Students

French Immersion Resources for Parents/Students

I’ve had parents asking about resources to help their child practice French at home. Here are a few ideas and links:
During the summer: like anything, DAILY practice, even if only for 10-15 minutes goes a LONG way in helping your child prepare, feel ready, develop confidence and have success in gr.7.
CEFR (Common European Framework): most current approach for our students learning French in Ontario. Here’s a link with details:
A couple of good resources for your child to work in and prepare for gr.7:  http://www.mygiftedchild.com/French-Immersion-En-route-vers-le-succs-6.html
There are many resources out there, searching the web is helpful. Students do need to speak the language to feel comfortable. To this end, they need others to converse with or, texts they can read along with. There are many French books available on line at our city of Ottawa Library website. Using your library card will give you access to tons of resources! Students reading along out loud with a voice-recorded book will help a lot! Visit: https://biblioottawalibrary.ca/fr
Very informative document from the ministry: https://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/parentGuideFrench.pdf

Good luck! J  M.K.

1 comment:

  1. Check out FrenchStreet.ca or on.cpf.ca for great additional resources and activities you can access across Ontario to support your French Second Language students. Hope you find the sites useful!
