Monday, December 5, 2016

Week of Dec. 5th -- Dec. 9th Semaine du 5 au 9 décembre

Lots of information this week!

Homework: please practice your song and dance moves (lyrics posted below, song has been posted in each student's Hapara Music Folder in their Google Drive) for our Musical Theatre Performance for parents on Friday, December 16th at 1:05-1:45 PM. All parents are invited! Rehearse twice each evening this week. The dress rehearsal presentation for students of the school will be the day before.
What to wear during your performance (as suggested by our choreographer Robin):

Gr 6B
Mark Kennedy
Seize the Day (Newsies)
1899 newsboys - washed out colours eg grey, white, beige, black; button shirts, suspenders, caps, vests. Tuck pants into soccer socks to look like short pants.

If you wish to do a bit more for French: read a French book. Remember that you can borrow one of my French Les Débrouillards magazine if you don't have French literature available.

White Elephant Sale: remind your parents that if they have used (but not used up) items to donate to our Vente Bric à Brac, we are collecting them now! Bring them to school.

Show Mom or Dad your conjugaisons Quiz result. Fifteen students out of 22 received an A- or better. It shows that most students understand the conjugaisons patterns quite well. Soon, we will have another quiz but this time, you will have to rely on your memory only, and won't be allowed to use the Chrome Book and helpful internet websites. I will let you know ahead of time so you can prepare. We will also continue working on French verbs in the classroom.

Seize the Day! (Kennedy)
Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay
Nothing can break us
No one can make us
Give our rights away
Arise and seize the day

Now is the time to seize the day
(Now is the time to seize the day)
Send out the call and join the fray
(Send out the call and join the fray)
Hearts will be righted
If we're united
Let us seize the day

Friends of the friendless, seize the day
(Friends of the friendless, seize the day)
Raise up the torch and light the way
(Raise up the torch and light the way)
Proud and defiant
We'll slay the giant
Let us seize the day

Neighbour to neighbour
Father to son
One for all
And all for one

Open the gates and seize the day
(Open the gates and seize the day)
Don't be afraid and don't delay
(Don't be afraid and don't delay)
Nothing can break us
No one can make us
Give our rights away

Neighbour to neighbour
Father to son
One for all

And all for one!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Update for Friday's French Quiz

This Friday, you can use a Chrome Book and access helpful websites. Next week, we’ll have another quiz where you will not be allowed a Chrome Book! Here is what we worked on in class today with the answers found by students. In the quiz, questions will be similar to these. I would say ‘Good luck’ but really, if you study, you don’t need luck! :-)

1ère personne du singulier = je ou j’
2è personne du singulier = tu
3è personne du singulier = il ou elle
1ère personne du pluriel = nous
2è personne du pluriel = vous
3è personne du pluriel = ils ou elles

Sample questions we worked on in class with answers in red:

  1. Conjugue le verbe écouter au futur simple de la 1ère personne du singulier: _j’écouterai_
  2. Conjugue le verbe sauter à l’imparfait de la 2è personne du pluriel: _vous sautiez_
  3. Conjugue le verbe travailler au présent de la 3è personne du pluriel: _ils ou elles travaillent_
  4. Conjugue le verbe danser au passé composé de la 1ère personne du pluriel: _nous avons dansé_
  5. Elle a étudié: verbe _étudier_ conjugué au _passé composé_ de la _3è personne_ du _singulier_.
  6. Nous regarderons: verbe _regarder_ conjugué au _-futur simple_ de la _-1ère personne _ du _-pluriel_.
  7. Vous mangiez: verbe _-manger_ conjugué à _-l’imparfait_ de la _-2è personne_ du _-pluriel_.
  8. Tu discutes: verbe _-discuter_ conjugué au _-présent_ de la _-2è personne _ du _-singulier_.

Monday, November 28, 2016

French Homework for this week: Nov. 28th to Fri. Dec. 2nd

Read below each evening and then try and find your own examples to understand how to conjugate 'er' verbs at these four tenses. You don't need to spend more than 20 minutes tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. We will have a little quiz in class on Friday. Use to help. Ask me some questions about it if you don't understand. We will be working on it some more in class this week. Look at the endings, they repeat themselves from one 'er' verb to another. M.K.

"Enquête dans les Conjugaisons françaises!"
This Friday: You will have a quiz on the following information. We worked on this last week and today. We will continue to work on it in class. At home, please re-read this each night, and try and quiz yourself with similar questions as the examples provided. To keep it simple for now, we will only use the verbs ending in 'er'.
In our inquiry, Aimon found the following patterns:
At the present tense, er verbs have the following endings:
je = ...e    tu = ... es     il/elle = ...e     nous = ...ons    vous = ...ez    ils/elles = ...ent
Passé composé:  j'ai ...é    tu as ...é    il/elle a ...é   nous avons ...é    vous avez ...é
ils/elles ont ...é
Imparfait: je = ...ais    tu = ...ais    il/elle = ...ait    nous = ...ions    vous = ...iez
ils/elles = ...aient
futur simple: je = ...erai    tu = ...eras    il/elle = ...era    nous = ...erons
vous = ...erez     ils/elles = ...eront
Important examples:  (using marcher et parler)
présent: je marche   je parle
passé composé: tu as marché    tu as parlé
imparfait: nous marchions nous parlions
futur: vous marcherez vous parlerez

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Homework due Friday Nov. 25th, 2016

As noted in student's agendas on Monday, here is the task due for Friday:

-"Conjugate the verb "Parler" and "Avoir" at these 4 different tenses: présent, passé composé, imparfait and futur.

Go to word reference and 'conjugueur' link for answers. Hand in your work on a separate piece of paper. We will continue learning about verbs at school.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Padlet La Justice Commence par...

Tu ne comprends pas? Demande!! :-) M.K.

Lien: La Justice Commence Par:

Nov. 14th to Nov. 17th French Immersion Homework

Friday is a PD day. No school for students. Please have this done by Thursday!

Your French Procedural Game must be done by this Thursday. Look at the success criteria carefully:

To get an A on your French Procedural Game, you must:
-have followed the success criteria sheet given in class (Jeu français, texte procédural et publicité)
-hand in a printed sheet explaining all of the following: names of students on your team, title of your game, goal of the game, rules step by step, groups/teams, poster or game board, materials required (are you using cards, clothes pins, tickets, tracking sheet, dice etc.).
-Also, you can have a short Google slideshow that explains your game so that when we play your game, you can use your slideshow to explain it to the whole class!

Remember, if you don't understand something or have a question, ask! And, don't wait until the end of the week to ask.

Also, soon, I will post a website that will provide French tutorials and homework help! Stay tuned! M.K.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

New Strategies and Links for Becoming better French Speaking Students

Excellent Links for Parents who's child is learning French:

Supporting your Child in French

French Resource to help Teach students learn French

And for students...
FUN and CREATIVE French Activities to improve your French!

-Je me demande! Using a French theme that we are studying in class (i.e. Bio Diversity), come up with 1 or more good questions that interest you! Research it and find the answer! You can write your findings in any way you wish: On a paper, on a poster, on a Google Slide, on the drawing APP called Show ME.
-Madden’s idea: Create (or find on-line) your own little French drama skits! Act them out!
-Austin’s idea:  Je peux parler français à certains de mes grands-parents et à mes parents ou à des amis qui parlent français! Come up with 5 or 6 French questions, call or email them, ask them to answer you in French!
-Alisha: Trouve une belle image sur l’internet que tu aimes, écris une description de l’image en français! Présente à ta classe.
-Make a French slide show presentation with photos you took of an event or of a trip and present it to your class!
-Trouve un mot et les autres personnes de la classe doivent deviner. Tu dis la 1ère lettre et la personne essaie de deviner. Si la personne a la mauvaise réponse, tu est ‘OUT’. es arbitre dit un lettre et tu à 3 seconds de dire mot ça commence avec le cette lettre (ex. A =  Autobus), tu ne pas copier les autres. Si tu ne pas dit un mot tu est elimné.Quand il y a seulement un personne, cette personne gagne.  
- Work on your ‘’Discovering ME’’ portion in Hapara.
- Fais une biographie d'une célébrité que tu aimes sur Google Slides OU, fais ton autobiographie!
- Read a French book on your own or to an adult or a sibling. Record your voice once you know the book well. Save your recording on your google drive (and Hapara), bring your book to class, share your recording and the book with your class!
- Edmodo: go to student portal to access it ( le professeur peut donner des devoirs ici, les étudiants peuvent partager les choses ici...
- Fais un Imovie en français...
- Un mot-caché (word search), trouves-en un sur l'internet, imprime le papier et fais l'activité.
- Va à 'French' et fais plusieurs activités en français! Record your work.
- Create your own flashcards: write strong French words you learned. At the back, write a French sentence in which the word is used. You can also put the English translation if you wish.
- French... login: S###### (S = your student number, same as last year), Password: Welcome2XY (XY = your initials). Regarde un vidéo français et écris un petit résumé du vidéo.
- Powtoon en français: création d'un vidéo!
- Trouver des activités de compréhension (.PDF files on the internet) française avec des questions. Imprime le texte et les questions. Répond aux questions. Remet le travail à ton professeur!
- With your Mom or Dad's approval, do a Science experiment (related to our Science theme). En français. Bring it to school. Ask your teacher. Present to students!
- Utilise le green screen à l'école et des cartes géographiques pour expliquer des pays et villes intéressantes du monde!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

French Homework Nov. 8th to 11th

  About 10 students in our class did their homework very well and learned our poem "Au Champ d'Honneur" by heart. Many worked at it and were not able to recite it all. About 5 students did not put much effort in their homework and as a result were not able to recite any part of Flanders Fields en français.

I was late completing this yesterday and so you had a break! For tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, spend 20 minutes of focused homework doing the following:

1. If you didn't learn your poem by heart yet, do it each evening and learn it by Friday.

2. a) Go to the following link:  Jour du Souvenir  Read the French text 'Jour de l'Armistice'. Look up words that you don't understand. Figure out what the text is all about.
b) Come up with 5 interesting facts about le Jour du Souvenir. Record your 5 facts on a piece of paper or electronically. Have it ready for Friday.

You don't understand? Ask me, M.Kennedy and I will help you! :-)  Bon travail!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Au Champ d'Honneur ... In Flanders Fields


French gr.6 Homework Oct.31st to Nov. 4h

Au Champ d'Honneur, de John McCrae

As discussed last week with all students in class, please learn the poem in French by this Friday. You all received a copy and were asked to put it in the front pocket of your agenda. Read 5 to 7 times each evenings this week starting tonight and by Friday, you should know it by heart. Other learning options:  Learn one stanza (paragraph for a poem) at a time, Re-write the poem on a separate sheet, Ask a parent or sibling to test you line by line. On Friday, we will randomly select student names and ask that you recite it. Next week, on Friday November 11th during our Remembrance Day ceremony in the gym, all gr.6 students will recite the poem together at our assembly. :-)  M.K.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Oct. 24-28 French Gr. 6 Homework

Bonjour!  Very similar to last week's homework... but please read NEW details carefully:

       We are continuing our 'Reading to a younger audience' homework challenge  this week. You have a choice of either a) keep the French book you currently have and re-read it once or twice out loud on 4 different evenings or, b) choose a new French children's book and start practicing reading it out loud each night. Like last week, make sure you know all the words and their meaning. Make sure you know how to pronounce each word that you are reading. 
Like last week:
1. Once you've chosen what you will read to this age group, read it once and write down the words that are difficult for you.
2. Find out the meaning of these challenging words and make sure you understand what you are reading!
3. Once you know it well, read it out loud 2 or 3 more times.

If you do about 20 minutes, 4 evenings this week, you should be prepared! Bring your book to class on Friday. The plan is to read to this younger audience, this Friday!

A couple of students went to Walter Baker public library and borrowed French books there. Bravo à Madden, Stacey, Zachery and Austin! Great initiative! The collection of French books there is very good... much greater than what we can offer at school. And, it is free! :-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Oct.18-21 French Homework


This week, your homework challenge is to find a French book (many of you already have one picked from our school library)that you will read to a younger audience: JK, SK, Gr1 or Gr2. If it is a book that contains many pages of information or a very detailed story, choose a few pages to practice and to read for your young audience.

1. Once you've chosen what you will read to this age group, read it once and write down the words that are difficult for you.
2. Find out the meaning of these challenging words and make sure you understand what you are reading!
3. Once you know it well, read it out loud 2 or 3 times.

If you do about 20 minutes, 4 evenings this week, you should be prepared! Bring your book to class on Friday.

A couple of students went to Walter Baker public library and borrowed French books there. Their collection of French book is very good... much greater than what we can offer at school. And, it is free! :-)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Gr6 French Immersion Homework: Tues.Oct.11th to Fri. Oct.14th

This week:
Choose two evenings (either tonight, Wed. or Thursday evening) and take 30 minutes to find information for your classroom project. See the example provided and discussed in class.

Most of this project will be done in class. Your homework is to find information that will help you complete it in class. You can do it directly on your Google Drawing document started in class or you can write your information elsewhere and bring it to class. If you want to spend more than 30 minutes twice this week, it's up to you. 

Success criteria is shared in class. Use Google Drawing to input your information. Save on your Google Drive. Last week, each student selected an animal from the vertebrates. If you haven't, select any one vertebrate of your choice. Use all sections noted in the example provided, writing French facts for each of the section.

If you have questions, or don't understand, ask me tomorrow! :-)  M.K.

Example of Bio Diversity 1 page project

Monday, October 3, 2016

List of FUN and CREATIVE French Activities to Improve your Fluency!

I’m THROUGH, What French Activity Can I DO?
Want to further improve your French? Here is a list of
FUN and CREATIVE French Activities!

-Je me demande! Using a French theme that we are studying in class (i.e. Bio Diversity), come up with 1 or more good questions that interest you! Research it and find the answer! You can write your findings in any way you wish: On a paper, on a poster, on a Google Slide, on the drawing APP called Show ME.
-Madden’s idea: Create (or find on-line) your own little French drama skits! Act them out!
-Austin’s idea:  Je peux parler français à certains de mes grands-parents et à mes parents ou à des amis qui parlent français! Come up with 5 or 6 French questions, call or email them, ask them to answer you in French!
-Alisha: Trouve une belle image sur l’internet que tu aimes, écris une description de l’image en français! Présente à ta classe.
-Make a French slide show presentation with photos you took of an event or of a trip and present it to your class!
-Trouve un mot et les autres personnes de la classe doivent deviner. Tu dis la 1ère lettre et la personne essaie de deviner. Si la personne a la mauvaise réponse, tu est ‘OUT’. es arbitre dit un lettre et tu à 3 seconds de dire mot ça commence avec le cette lettre (ex. A =  Autobus), tu ne pas copier les autres. Si tu ne pas dit un mot tu est elimné.Quand il y a seulement un personne, cette personne gagne.  
- Work on your ‘’Discovering ME’’ portion in Hapara.
- Fais une biographie d'une célébrité que tu aimes sur Google Slides OU, fais ton autobiographie!
- Read a French book on your own or to an adult or a sibling. Record your voice once you know the book well. Save your recording on your google drive (and Hapara), bring your book to class, share your recording and the book with your class!
- Edmodo: go to student portal to access it ( le professeur peut donner des devoirs ici, les étudiants peuvent partager les choses ici...
- Fais un Imovie en français...
- Un mot-caché (word search), trouves-en un sur l'internet, imprime le papier et fais l'activité.
- Va à 'French' et fais plusieurs activités en français! Record your work.
- Create your own flashcards: write strong French words you learned. At the back, write a French sentence in which the word is used. You can also put the English translation if you wish.
- French... login: S###### (S = your student number, same as last year), Password: Welcome2XY (XY = your initials). Regarde un vidéo français et écris un petit résumé du vidéo.
- Powtoon en français: création d'un vidéo!
- Trouver des activités de compréhension (.PDF files on the internet) française avec des questions. Imprime le texte et les questions. Répond aux questions. Remet le travail à ton professeur!
- With your Mom or Dad's approval, do a Science experiment (related to our Science theme). En français. Bring it to school. Ask your teacher. Present to students!
- Utilise le green screen à l'école et des cartes géographiques pour expliquer des pays et villes intéressantes du monde!

French Immersion Gr.6 Devoirs/Homework Mon. Oct. 3rd… due Thursday Oct. 6th

French Immersion Gr.6 Devoirs/Homework
Mon. Oct. 3rd… due Thursday Oct. 6th

Your name: _____________________  This information is on a paper given to you today.

From the list students came up with in last week’s homework, we picked strong French activities and made a list. This week for your homework, pick one of these activities and do it! Twenty minutes of focused homework tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday night should get it done!

In French, write what activity you chose to do here: ________________

Write in French how much time and how many evenings it took for you to complete it:_____________________________________________

When you are done the activity, write a French sentence explaining how it went. What was good about it? How will it help you become more fluent at speaking French? ______________________________________

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Useful Gr6 Brochure for Parents

Thank you Mme Carroll for sharing this with us. Parents: many useful information in this handout. Taking a minute to read it will prove helpful! M.K.

Mme Carroll's Gr6 Immersion Parent Handout

Monday, September 26, 2016

3rd French Homework due this Friday, Sept. 30th!

Troisième devoir de sixième année immersion

This week's task: How can you improve your French this year? Come up with 3 ideas of activities you can do to improve your French. Write them down on this electronic document found in your French Hapara folder. All the work you do will be automatically saved in your Hapara folder and easily accessed by you and M. Kennedy at home and at school. We will look at everyone’s answers this Friday and come up with a list. Try and mix up your ideas, some using technology, some not. Oral French is very important so there has to be a component of Oral French in it! Ask M. Kennedy if you need more direction. Ask your parents and older siblings, friends or relatives that speak French! Be creative!

I will only be assigning about 30 minutes to 1 hour of homework a week. If you wish to do more, you will be able to choose extra activities from this list! The more you work at something, the more you’ll improve! Bonne chance! M.K.

M.K.'s activity: Read a French book to a kindergarten student
Practice reading an easy French book to a kindergarten aged student. After you have taken the time to learn all the challenging French words from the book (maybe none of them will be challenging), read it out loud 5 times. Read it to someone younger (it could be at school where you ask your teacher for time to do this). As well, record yourself reading your book out loud and save it to your google drive.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Gr.6 French Immersion Homework: Monday, Sept.19th to Friday, Sept. 23rd

Your homework challenge this week. Ton défi-devoir cette semaine:

Try and learn our French class creed by heart, by Friday. Please read your Class Creed out loud 5 times each evening. Reading it 5 times each evening (tonight, Tues., Wed. and Thurs.) totals 20 times read out loud. In addition to reading it once in class, you should be able to recite it well on Friday! I gave you a copy in class today and asked that you put it in the pocket at the front of your agenda. You can also use the copy on this website, posted last week. Simply scroll down. Bonne chance! M.K.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Wow! 100% Homework Completion this week! Fantastique!

Great news! All 30 students completed their French homework and handed it in. We talked quite a bit about the difference between level 2 and level 4 work... and from what I've seen, most of the work handed in is at least at a level 3 and higher. You showed responsibility and dedication. Keep it up this year and you'll improve your French skills and better be prepared for grade 7! Bravo. M.K.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Students create own French Class Creed! Bravo!

Le Crédo de la Portative #8
Créé par les étudiants de 6è année immersion
St. Cecilia
On va essayer d'agir comme Jésus!
Cette année va être fantastique!
Nous allons utiliser la règle d'or!
Nous allons être sécuritaire!
Nous allons être respectueux! Nous allons être responsable!
Nous allons parler en français!
Nous allons avoir une attitude positive!
Nous allons collaborer avec les enseignants et étudiants!
On va faire de notre mieux! On va rire et avoir du plaisir!
On va persévérer et travailler fort! On va faire ses devoirs!
On va s'entraider! On va écouter les instructions!
On va inclure les autres dans nos activités et jeux!
On ne va pas juger, on va écouter! On va être gentil!
En faisant tout ça, nous allons avoir du succès!

Monday, September 12, 2016

French Immersion gr6 Homework this week

Students received a worksheet today, Monday Sept.12th, entitled: "Trois évènements, lequel est faux?"

Students must hand in the completed worksheet this coming Friday, Sept. 16th.

Write three full French sentences, use the back of the sheet if you need more space. Ask someone who has good knowledge of French to help you compose your sentences: a friend, sibling, parent or a teacher! Do a rough copy first on a separate paper and copy your work on the provided sheet. Please fill the box with an illustration of your choice. Make the drawing very colourful... and, please colour in the border. Could be something that represents and event. Practice reading it as you will be presenting it to your classmates! Try and choose events that classmates are unfamiliar with! Have fun with it.

M. Kennedy's example:
      1. J'ai mangé des Froot Loops qui étaient dans la Coupe Stanley.  9
      2. J'ai fait une escalade du mont St Pierre au Guatemala qui est un volcan! La randonnée était de trois heures!  12
      3.  Lorsque j'étais petit, j'ai grimpé un arbre et j'ai tombé. Je me suis cassé une jambe. 4

At the back of the page, write the false statement! We will be putting all the pages in a duotang for others to read. And, we'll play the guessing game with students. 

 #1 and #2 are true!! I did not break my leg. 4 students guessed right! Bravo!        

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Bienvenue 6è année! Welcome! Septembre 2016

First week of school, première semaine d'école:

Devoirs de français cette semaine, homework this week:

Get organized! Organises-toi! 

Ensure your home to school and school to home routines are established. Is your agenda signed by your parents each evening? Do you have your indoor shoes at school yet? 

More information to come. 

Let's work hard to make this school year memorable, peaceful and happy for one another!! Let's make sure that one of our main goals of becoming fluent French speakers happens! 

Merci! M.Kennedy

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Music Evaluation Results

Bonjour! Parents: did your son or daughter show you their little music poster presentation assessment sheet? I each graded the students on a little French presentation they did in front of the class. The great majority of students did quite well. Focus was on content and French presentation skills. Next week, students will be presenting a music composition they are creating and will have a chance to showcase a music talent they have.

This is what students were asked to show you (with grades/comments):

Évaluation Présentation du Poster de Musique

Name of presenter: ________________            May 2016
  Évaluateur: __________

You spoke French during the presentation: __Yes/No/Most of the time__

You spoke clearly and loud enough for classmates to hear you well: _____

You had good information to share about your topic: _____

Your poster was complete, colourful and had few spelling mistakes: _____

Comments:  ________________________________________________



Friday, May 13, 2016

Musique en 6è année!

Bonjour! We are learning about music in class. Students all have a Music Appreciation Google Drawing page. It is located in their Hapara Music Folder. Students can access this folder by going to the school's website, clicking on Student Portal and going in Hapara.
Hapara Student Portal (Link to Hapara and much more!)

Monday, May 9, 2016

Speaking French in Class update!

Good morning, bonjour! Last week, we finished our latest classroom French speaking game: "Bonbons dans un bocal". It went very well. The great majority of students spoke French all the time! Part of the game rules Dylan, Maggie, Chris and Ben came up with was that students who got caught speaking English would have to do additional homework. Eight students have a bit of catching up to do. Please check your child's agenda. If your son or daughter doesn't have additional homework today, it is because they spoke French during our 4 weeks of afternoon French speaking game! The top three winners were Sophie, Anika and Hana. Again, merci à Ben, Maggie, Dylan et Chris!

Next, today or tomorrow, we are starting a new French speaking game called: 'Cube'. Hana, Rachel, Braeydon, Jack et William are the group leading the way with this new initiative! Using a google document they shared together, the group outlined les règles du jeux (rules of the game).

Friday, May 6, 2016

Exciting News!! Des nouvelles excitantes!

Our students continue to be fantastic contributors and citizens of our community!!
First, congratulations to Ian who came up with the winning name for our Radio Show: The Bee Hive Live!! Listen to our radio show that aired at lunch today and Mrs Green's announcement:
1st Bee Live Hive Radio Show!!

$644 is how much Max and his team were able to raise for Cystic Fibrosis!! They did this on their own with very little help from adults of the school! Amazing! Je suis très fier de vous! Bravo! M.K.

Students: keep up leading the way with great initiatives! Remember what I always tell you: if you want something good to take place, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!  :-)