Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Update for Friday's French Quiz

This Friday, you can use a Chrome Book and access helpful websites. Next week, we’ll have another quiz where you will not be allowed a Chrome Book! Here is what we worked on in class today with the answers found by students. In the quiz, questions will be similar to these. I would say ‘Good luck’ but really, if you study, you don’t need luck! :-)

1ère personne du singulier = je ou j’
2è personne du singulier = tu
3è personne du singulier = il ou elle
1ère personne du pluriel = nous
2è personne du pluriel = vous
3è personne du pluriel = ils ou elles

Sample questions we worked on in class with answers in red:

  1. Conjugue le verbe écouter au futur simple de la 1ère personne du singulier: _j’écouterai_
  2. Conjugue le verbe sauter à l’imparfait de la 2è personne du pluriel: _vous sautiez_
  3. Conjugue le verbe travailler au présent de la 3è personne du pluriel: _ils ou elles travaillent_
  4. Conjugue le verbe danser au passé composé de la 1ère personne du pluriel: _nous avons dansé_
  5. Elle a étudié: verbe _étudier_ conjugué au _passé composé_ de la _3è personne_ du _singulier_.
  6. Nous regarderons: verbe _regarder_ conjugué au _-futur simple_ de la _-1ère personne _ du _-pluriel_.
  7. Vous mangiez: verbe _-manger_ conjugué à _-l’imparfait_ de la _-2è personne_ du _-pluriel_.
  8. Tu discutes: verbe _-discuter_ conjugué au _-présent_ de la _-2è personne _ du _-singulier_.

Monday, November 28, 2016

French Homework for this week: Nov. 28th to Fri. Dec. 2nd

Read below each evening and then try and find your own examples to understand how to conjugate 'er' verbs at these four tenses. You don't need to spend more than 20 minutes tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. We will have a little quiz in class on Friday. Use to help. Ask me some questions about it if you don't understand. We will be working on it some more in class this week. Look at the endings, they repeat themselves from one 'er' verb to another. M.K.

"Enquête dans les Conjugaisons françaises!"
This Friday: You will have a quiz on the following information. We worked on this last week and today. We will continue to work on it in class. At home, please re-read this each night, and try and quiz yourself with similar questions as the examples provided. To keep it simple for now, we will only use the verbs ending in 'er'.
In our inquiry, Aimon found the following patterns:
At the present tense, er verbs have the following endings:
je = ...e    tu = ... es     il/elle = ...e     nous = ...ons    vous = ...ez    ils/elles = ...ent
Passé composé:  j'ai ...é    tu as ...é    il/elle a ...é   nous avons ...é    vous avez ...é
ils/elles ont ...é
Imparfait: je = ...ais    tu = ...ais    il/elle = ...ait    nous = ...ions    vous = ...iez
ils/elles = ...aient
futur simple: je = ...erai    tu = ...eras    il/elle = ...era    nous = ...erons
vous = ...erez     ils/elles = ...eront
Important examples:  (using marcher et parler)
présent: je marche   je parle
passé composé: tu as marché    tu as parlé
imparfait: nous marchions nous parlions
futur: vous marcherez vous parlerez

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Homework due Friday Nov. 25th, 2016

As noted in student's agendas on Monday, here is the task due for Friday:

-"Conjugate the verb "Parler" and "Avoir" at these 4 different tenses: présent, passé composé, imparfait and futur.

Go to word reference and 'conjugueur' link for answers. Hand in your work on a separate piece of paper. We will continue learning about verbs at school.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Padlet La Justice Commence par...

Tu ne comprends pas? Demande!! :-) M.K.

Lien: La Justice Commence Par:

Nov. 14th to Nov. 17th French Immersion Homework

Friday is a PD day. No school for students. Please have this done by Thursday!

Your French Procedural Game must be done by this Thursday. Look at the success criteria carefully:

To get an A on your French Procedural Game, you must:
-have followed the success criteria sheet given in class (Jeu français, texte procédural et publicité)
-hand in a printed sheet explaining all of the following: names of students on your team, title of your game, goal of the game, rules step by step, groups/teams, poster or game board, materials required (are you using cards, clothes pins, tickets, tracking sheet, dice etc.).
-Also, you can have a short Google slideshow that explains your game so that when we play your game, you can use your slideshow to explain it to the whole class!

Remember, if you don't understand something or have a question, ask! And, don't wait until the end of the week to ask.

Also, soon, I will post a website that will provide French tutorials and homework help! Stay tuned! M.K.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

New Strategies and Links for Becoming better French Speaking Students

Excellent Links for Parents who's child is learning French:

Supporting your Child in French

French Resource to help Teach students learn French

And for students...
FUN and CREATIVE French Activities to improve your French!

-Je me demande! Using a French theme that we are studying in class (i.e. Bio Diversity), come up with 1 or more good questions that interest you! Research it and find the answer! You can write your findings in any way you wish: On a paper, on a poster, on a Google Slide, on the drawing APP called Show ME.
-Madden’s idea: Create (or find on-line) your own little French drama skits! Act them out!
-Austin’s idea:  Je peux parler français à certains de mes grands-parents et à mes parents ou à des amis qui parlent français! Come up with 5 or 6 French questions, call or email them, ask them to answer you in French!
-Alisha: Trouve une belle image sur l’internet que tu aimes, écris une description de l’image en français! Présente à ta classe.
-Make a French slide show presentation with photos you took of an event or of a trip and present it to your class!
-Trouve un mot et les autres personnes de la classe doivent deviner. Tu dis la 1ère lettre et la personne essaie de deviner. Si la personne a la mauvaise réponse, tu est ‘OUT’. es arbitre dit un lettre et tu à 3 seconds de dire mot ça commence avec le cette lettre (ex. A =  Autobus), tu ne pas copier les autres. Si tu ne pas dit un mot tu est elimné.Quand il y a seulement un personne, cette personne gagne.  
- Work on your ‘’Discovering ME’’ portion in Hapara.
- Fais une biographie d'une célébrité que tu aimes sur Google Slides OU, fais ton autobiographie!
- Read a French book on your own or to an adult or a sibling. Record your voice once you know the book well. Save your recording on your google drive (and Hapara), bring your book to class, share your recording and the book with your class!
- Edmodo: go to student portal to access it ( le professeur peut donner des devoirs ici, les étudiants peuvent partager les choses ici...
- Fais un Imovie en français...
- Un mot-caché (word search), trouves-en un sur l'internet, imprime le papier et fais l'activité.
- Va à 'French' et fais plusieurs activités en français! Record your work.
- Create your own flashcards: write strong French words you learned. At the back, write a French sentence in which the word is used. You can also put the English translation if you wish.
- French... login: S###### (S = your student number, same as last year), Password: Welcome2XY (XY = your initials). Regarde un vidéo français et écris un petit résumé du vidéo.
- Powtoon en français: création d'un vidéo!
- Trouver des activités de compréhension (.PDF files on the internet) française avec des questions. Imprime le texte et les questions. Répond aux questions. Remet le travail à ton professeur!
- With your Mom or Dad's approval, do a Science experiment (related to our Science theme). En français. Bring it to school. Ask your teacher. Present to students!
- Utilise le green screen à l'école et des cartes géographiques pour expliquer des pays et villes intéressantes du monde!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

French Homework Nov. 8th to 11th

  About 10 students in our class did their homework very well and learned our poem "Au Champ d'Honneur" by heart. Many worked at it and were not able to recite it all. About 5 students did not put much effort in their homework and as a result were not able to recite any part of Flanders Fields en français.

I was late completing this yesterday and so you had a break! For tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, spend 20 minutes of focused homework doing the following:

1. If you didn't learn your poem by heart yet, do it each evening and learn it by Friday.

2. a) Go to the following link:  Jour du Souvenir  Read the French text 'Jour de l'Armistice'. Look up words that you don't understand. Figure out what the text is all about.
b) Come up with 5 interesting facts about le Jour du Souvenir. Record your 5 facts on a piece of paper or electronically. Have it ready for Friday.

You don't understand? Ask me, M.Kennedy and I will help you! :-)  Bon travail!