Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Know your Doubles!

Students should all know their doubles!
This, will help them 'crunch' much bigger numbers later on.
Take 5-10 minutes each evening to practice with your child.
Doubles to know: 6+6=12    7+7=14    8+8=16    9+9=18

Then, challenge them to add: 38+18=        49+9=        
        16+16=        27+27=        Find your own challenges! Keep improving. Don't forget to continue practicing other challenges posted earlier this year on this website.

Also, review place value with your child:  How do you read the following numbers? 40 087?
    23 989?    10 003?  210 423?   Greater numbers: 2 650 987?  23 980 137?    8 230 299 448?
Good luck! :-)  M.K. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Who are we?

Hello! Please try to bring one photo of yourself with your family members to school. We will be doing a decorative visual arts wall of 'Who We Are!' Two students have already brought a photo. Thank you.  If you only have a digital photo available, you can bring it on a memory stick or send it to me, Mr Kennedy, at my email address and I can print it here at school for you. My email address is: mark.kennedy@ocsb.ca  Thank you! M.K.

Also, don't forget to do Math homework 2 or 3 evenings a week for 15-20 minutes. Do some of the activities and games that are posted on this website (scroll down).  

Friday, September 15, 2017

Math Homework

Math homework: Please do 15 minutes of Math homework 2 or 3 times a week. What Math should you do? Simply scroll down on my website and play a game we've done in class, do one of the challenges or review a concept we learned. Try and challenge yourself to get better. Remember that you are ALL smart and can improve your skills if you put in some effort!

Image result for Grit

One more thing: explain to your parents how or weekly draw works. Explain to them how important sharing ALL kind of solutions is SOOOO IMPORTANT! Explain to them how you get a number for the draw when you ask a question too! Questions are AWESOME! Providing wrong answers help us all learn. Providing good answers help us all learn. Providing partially correct answers help us all learn too! Have fun learning!! :-)  Have a great weekend. M.K.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

4 KEYS to Learning Math (& anything!)

Please take the 8 minutes required to watch this video with your child: 4 Key Messages Video

1. Everyone can learn Math 
(your brain grows all the time)
2. Believe in yourself 
(Have grit and a growth mindset)
3. Struggles and mistakes are really important!
4. Speed is not important!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Math Talk: take a minute and review with your child!

Most recent on top!
Taking 10 minutes 2-3 times a week to play/question your child will help them become confident in 'crunching' numbers and will facilitate solving more difficult problems!

Sept 13th: After working in small groups, students came up with these answers (see initials).

Challenge: Find numbers in any literature, pamphlets or news and discuss with your child what they represent. Extra challenge: make a copy of it, send it to school with your child to show us in class!

Sept. 11th:
-Visit this site: Random Number Generator With your child, choose the range (1 to 10 or 1 to 50 etc.), set it. Choose a number, say it out loud. Generate a number. Whoever is closest wins. Talk about best numbers to choose!
-Play the Card Game: adding up to 10. Then, try this same game, adding up to 20! Remember, you can have multiple cards to score a point (example: ace + 4 + 5 = 10). The goal here is to improve your child's ability to easily add numbers!
Sept. 7th: Card Game: adding up to 10!
Find a deck of cards and play the game with Mom, Dad or a sibling. Remember, to get a point, it must add up to 10. If you have a face card, it is worth one point, a joker is worth two points!
Sept. 6
Math drills and review:
-what numbers add up to 10? To 20? How is 17 + 3  a bit like 3 + 7 ?
Sept. 5
Ask your child to explain a row vs a column.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Welcome to grade 4 Math!

Welcome to grade four Math at MPB!
We will learn together, we will help each other, we will improve our skills. We will be successful!
Pep talk from Kid President, shown in class today: Kid President PEP talk!
To have success:
-Believe you can! Say good things about your progress. Have positive talks to yourself. Focus on the things you can do. If you start believing you can, you will!
-Make it fun for yourself! Sometimes Math will be difficult. Try and see it as a challenge and enjoy, relax. Remember that you will be able to solve many problems. You won't be able to solve them all right away!
-Persevere, have grit! When Math is tricky and complicated, keep trying. Use other strategies, ask a friend, write what you know, re-read the problem... eventually you will figure it out! In life it is the people who don't give up and keep trying that succeed.
-The power of 'Yet'! Instead of saying: "I can't do this." Say: "I can't do this YET!".