Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Week of March 27th-29th

Hello parents and gr 4 students!

This week for homework, take 10-15 minutes to go over the cost of items in the kitchen. Discuss with Mom or Dad. Also discuss the price paid for our whole class to enjoy a very generous Tasty Tuesday snack. Our first Tasty Tuesday was today and it consisted of:

a bag of apples ($6.99), 2 cut up red and yellow sweet peppers ($2.50), one container of hummous from Costco ($3.00) and one bag of pita bread from costco ($2.50).  How much did it cost in total?
If two of you buy about the same amount of food and it cost about the same and you divide the total with a classmate, how much will it cost you?

Two students signed up for doing Tasty Tuesday next week! Today was great, I'm excited to see what happens next week... next week Tasty Tuesday will actually be on WEDNESDAY, April 4th, as there is no school on Monday and it will give these two students one school evening to prepare for the next day. :-)

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Oooops! Can you catch my mistake in my older post?

I fixed it... check it out:

Daily Use of Vertical Learning Walls!

In Math, working standing up, with a partner using Math strategies is a VERY effective way to develop Math skills and proficiency for now and for the future!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Math Homework: March 19th to 23rd

Multiplication Challenge!

Your challenge this week is to hand in a regular size paper with all of the following on it:

1. Your name

2. Four multiplications that are easy for you and the explanation why

3. Four multiplications that are tricky for you and your reason why

4. Look at the picture below (taken from our classroom), what strategies are helpful to you? Write them down and explain why. What other strategy or strategies do you use that work well for you. Write them down and explain why.

5. Write ONE multiplication challenge for other students to try this Friday.

Ask Mom, Dad, a brother, sister or friend to help you if you don't understand. You can ask me, Mr Kennedy, in class too! You shouldn't need more than 20 minutes on three separate nights this week. 

Good luck!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Homework March 6th-9th

On 2 separate evenings this week, for 20 minutes each time.
Your homework this week is to show Mom or Dad at least two different strategies on how to solve the following multiplications (4's and 7's):

4x7     4x2     5x4      8x4       9x4     4x10      4x11

7x3     5x7     7x6     8x7     9x7     10x7    

If they are too easy for you, try all of the above but x14 instead of x4  and try x17 instead of x7
example: 4x17=  (4x7) + (4x10) = 28+40 = 68

If they are too difficult, try all of the above but instead of x4, do x2, then do x2 again.
For x7, break it down and do x2 and x3 then add to two together. 
Example: 4x7 = (2x7) + (2x7) = 14+14 = 28

Show your work on a separate piece of paper and bring it to school with your name on it, on Friday. :-)  M.K.