Monday, October 31, 2016

Au Champ d'Honneur ... In Flanders Fields


French gr.6 Homework Oct.31st to Nov. 4h

Au Champ d'Honneur, de John McCrae

As discussed last week with all students in class, please learn the poem in French by this Friday. You all received a copy and were asked to put it in the front pocket of your agenda. Read 5 to 7 times each evenings this week starting tonight and by Friday, you should know it by heart. Other learning options:  Learn one stanza (paragraph for a poem) at a time, Re-write the poem on a separate sheet, Ask a parent or sibling to test you line by line. On Friday, we will randomly select student names and ask that you recite it. Next week, on Friday November 11th during our Remembrance Day ceremony in the gym, all gr.6 students will recite the poem together at our assembly. :-)  M.K.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Oct. 24-28 French Gr. 6 Homework

Bonjour!  Very similar to last week's homework... but please read NEW details carefully:

       We are continuing our 'Reading to a younger audience' homework challenge  this week. You have a choice of either a) keep the French book you currently have and re-read it once or twice out loud on 4 different evenings or, b) choose a new French children's book and start practicing reading it out loud each night. Like last week, make sure you know all the words and their meaning. Make sure you know how to pronounce each word that you are reading. 
Like last week:
1. Once you've chosen what you will read to this age group, read it once and write down the words that are difficult for you.
2. Find out the meaning of these challenging words and make sure you understand what you are reading!
3. Once you know it well, read it out loud 2 or 3 more times.

If you do about 20 minutes, 4 evenings this week, you should be prepared! Bring your book to class on Friday. The plan is to read to this younger audience, this Friday!

A couple of students went to Walter Baker public library and borrowed French books there. Bravo à Madden, Stacey, Zachery and Austin! Great initiative! The collection of French books there is very good... much greater than what we can offer at school. And, it is free! :-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Oct.18-21 French Homework


This week, your homework challenge is to find a French book (many of you already have one picked from our school library)that you will read to a younger audience: JK, SK, Gr1 or Gr2. If it is a book that contains many pages of information or a very detailed story, choose a few pages to practice and to read for your young audience.

1. Once you've chosen what you will read to this age group, read it once and write down the words that are difficult for you.
2. Find out the meaning of these challenging words and make sure you understand what you are reading!
3. Once you know it well, read it out loud 2 or 3 times.

If you do about 20 minutes, 4 evenings this week, you should be prepared! Bring your book to class on Friday.

A couple of students went to Walter Baker public library and borrowed French books there. Their collection of French book is very good... much greater than what we can offer at school. And, it is free! :-)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Gr6 French Immersion Homework: Tues.Oct.11th to Fri. Oct.14th

This week:
Choose two evenings (either tonight, Wed. or Thursday evening) and take 30 minutes to find information for your classroom project. See the example provided and discussed in class.

Most of this project will be done in class. Your homework is to find information that will help you complete it in class. You can do it directly on your Google Drawing document started in class or you can write your information elsewhere and bring it to class. If you want to spend more than 30 minutes twice this week, it's up to you. 

Success criteria is shared in class. Use Google Drawing to input your information. Save on your Google Drive. Last week, each student selected an animal from the vertebrates. If you haven't, select any one vertebrate of your choice. Use all sections noted in the example provided, writing French facts for each of the section.

If you have questions, or don't understand, ask me tomorrow! :-)  M.K.

Example of Bio Diversity 1 page project

Monday, October 3, 2016

List of FUN and CREATIVE French Activities to Improve your Fluency!

I’m THROUGH, What French Activity Can I DO?
Want to further improve your French? Here is a list of
FUN and CREATIVE French Activities!

-Je me demande! Using a French theme that we are studying in class (i.e. Bio Diversity), come up with 1 or more good questions that interest you! Research it and find the answer! You can write your findings in any way you wish: On a paper, on a poster, on a Google Slide, on the drawing APP called Show ME.
-Madden’s idea: Create (or find on-line) your own little French drama skits! Act them out!
-Austin’s idea:  Je peux parler français à certains de mes grands-parents et à mes parents ou à des amis qui parlent français! Come up with 5 or 6 French questions, call or email them, ask them to answer you in French!
-Alisha: Trouve une belle image sur l’internet que tu aimes, écris une description de l’image en français! Présente à ta classe.
-Make a French slide show presentation with photos you took of an event or of a trip and present it to your class!
-Trouve un mot et les autres personnes de la classe doivent deviner. Tu dis la 1ère lettre et la personne essaie de deviner. Si la personne a la mauvaise réponse, tu est ‘OUT’. es arbitre dit un lettre et tu à 3 seconds de dire mot ça commence avec le cette lettre (ex. A =  Autobus), tu ne pas copier les autres. Si tu ne pas dit un mot tu est elimné.Quand il y a seulement un personne, cette personne gagne.  
- Work on your ‘’Discovering ME’’ portion in Hapara.
- Fais une biographie d'une célébrité que tu aimes sur Google Slides OU, fais ton autobiographie!
- Read a French book on your own or to an adult or a sibling. Record your voice once you know the book well. Save your recording on your google drive (and Hapara), bring your book to class, share your recording and the book with your class!
- Edmodo: go to student portal to access it ( le professeur peut donner des devoirs ici, les étudiants peuvent partager les choses ici...
- Fais un Imovie en français...
- Un mot-caché (word search), trouves-en un sur l'internet, imprime le papier et fais l'activité.
- Va à 'French' et fais plusieurs activités en français! Record your work.
- Create your own flashcards: write strong French words you learned. At the back, write a French sentence in which the word is used. You can also put the English translation if you wish.
- French... login: S###### (S = your student number, same as last year), Password: Welcome2XY (XY = your initials). Regarde un vidéo français et écris un petit résumé du vidéo.
- Powtoon en français: création d'un vidéo!
- Trouver des activités de compréhension (.PDF files on the internet) française avec des questions. Imprime le texte et les questions. Répond aux questions. Remet le travail à ton professeur!
- With your Mom or Dad's approval, do a Science experiment (related to our Science theme). En français. Bring it to school. Ask your teacher. Present to students!
- Utilise le green screen à l'école et des cartes géographiques pour expliquer des pays et villes intéressantes du monde!

French Immersion Gr.6 Devoirs/Homework Mon. Oct. 3rd… due Thursday Oct. 6th

French Immersion Gr.6 Devoirs/Homework
Mon. Oct. 3rd… due Thursday Oct. 6th

Your name: _____________________  This information is on a paper given to you today.

From the list students came up with in last week’s homework, we picked strong French activities and made a list. This week for your homework, pick one of these activities and do it! Twenty minutes of focused homework tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday night should get it done!

In French, write what activity you chose to do here: ________________

Write in French how much time and how many evenings it took for you to complete it:_____________________________________________

When you are done the activity, write a French sentence explaining how it went. What was good about it? How will it help you become more fluent at speaking French? ______________________________________