Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Useful Gr6 Brochure for Parents

Thank you Mme Carroll for sharing this with us. Parents: many useful information in this handout. Taking a minute to read it will prove helpful! M.K.

Mme Carroll's Gr6 Immersion Parent Handout

Monday, September 26, 2016

3rd French Homework due this Friday, Sept. 30th!

Troisième devoir de sixième année immersion

This week's task: How can you improve your French this year? Come up with 3 ideas of activities you can do to improve your French. Write them down on this electronic document found in your French Hapara folder. All the work you do will be automatically saved in your Hapara folder and easily accessed by you and M. Kennedy at home and at school. We will look at everyone’s answers this Friday and come up with a list. Try and mix up your ideas, some using technology, some not. Oral French is very important so there has to be a component of Oral French in it! Ask M. Kennedy if you need more direction. Ask your parents and older siblings, friends or relatives that speak French! Be creative!

I will only be assigning about 30 minutes to 1 hour of homework a week. If you wish to do more, you will be able to choose extra activities from this list! The more you work at something, the more you’ll improve! Bonne chance! M.K.

M.K.'s activity: Read a French book to a kindergarten student
Practice reading an easy French book to a kindergarten aged student. After you have taken the time to learn all the challenging French words from the book (maybe none of them will be challenging), read it out loud 5 times. Read it to someone younger (it could be at school where you ask your teacher for time to do this). As well, record yourself reading your book out loud and save it to your google drive.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Gr.6 French Immersion Homework: Monday, Sept.19th to Friday, Sept. 23rd

Your homework challenge this week. Ton défi-devoir cette semaine:

Try and learn our French class creed by heart, by Friday. Please read your Class Creed out loud 5 times each evening. Reading it 5 times each evening (tonight, Tues., Wed. and Thurs.) totals 20 times read out loud. In addition to reading it once in class, you should be able to recite it well on Friday! I gave you a copy in class today and asked that you put it in the pocket at the front of your agenda. You can also use the copy on this website, posted last week. Simply scroll down. Bonne chance! M.K.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Wow! 100% Homework Completion this week! Fantastique!

Great news! All 30 students completed their French homework and handed it in. We talked quite a bit about the difference between level 2 and level 4 work... and from what I've seen, most of the work handed in is at least at a level 3 and higher. You showed responsibility and dedication. Keep it up this year and you'll improve your French skills and better be prepared for grade 7! Bravo. M.K.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Students create own French Class Creed! Bravo!

Le Crédo de la Portative #8
Créé par les étudiants de 6è année immersion
St. Cecilia
On va essayer d'agir comme Jésus!
Cette année va être fantastique!
Nous allons utiliser la règle d'or!
Nous allons être sécuritaire!
Nous allons être respectueux! Nous allons être responsable!
Nous allons parler en français!
Nous allons avoir une attitude positive!
Nous allons collaborer avec les enseignants et étudiants!
On va faire de notre mieux! On va rire et avoir du plaisir!
On va persévérer et travailler fort! On va faire ses devoirs!
On va s'entraider! On va écouter les instructions!
On va inclure les autres dans nos activités et jeux!
On ne va pas juger, on va écouter! On va être gentil!
En faisant tout ça, nous allons avoir du succès!

Monday, September 12, 2016

French Immersion gr6 Homework this week

Students received a worksheet today, Monday Sept.12th, entitled: "Trois évènements, lequel est faux?"

Students must hand in the completed worksheet this coming Friday, Sept. 16th.

Write three full French sentences, use the back of the sheet if you need more space. Ask someone who has good knowledge of French to help you compose your sentences: a friend, sibling, parent or a teacher! Do a rough copy first on a separate paper and copy your work on the provided sheet. Please fill the box with an illustration of your choice. Make the drawing very colourful... and, please colour in the border. Could be something that represents and event. Practice reading it as you will be presenting it to your classmates! Try and choose events that classmates are unfamiliar with! Have fun with it.

M. Kennedy's example:
      1. J'ai mangé des Froot Loops qui étaient dans la Coupe Stanley.  9
      2. J'ai fait une escalade du mont St Pierre au Guatemala qui est un volcan! La randonnée était de trois heures!  12
      3.  Lorsque j'étais petit, j'ai grimpé un arbre et j'ai tombé. Je me suis cassé une jambe. 4

At the back of the page, write the false statement! We will be putting all the pages in a duotang for others to read. And, we'll play the guessing game with students. 

 #1 and #2 are true!! I did not break my leg. 4 students guessed right! Bravo!        

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Bienvenue 6è année! Welcome! Septembre 2016

First week of school, première semaine d'école:

Devoirs de français cette semaine, homework this week:

Get organized! Organises-toi! 

Ensure your home to school and school to home routines are established. Is your agenda signed by your parents each evening? Do you have your indoor shoes at school yet? 

More information to come. 

Let's work hard to make this school year memorable, peaceful and happy for one another!! Let's make sure that one of our main goals of becoming fluent French speakers happens! 

Merci! M.Kennedy