Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Music Evaluation Results

Bonjour! Parents: did your son or daughter show you their little music poster presentation assessment sheet? I each graded the students on a little French presentation they did in front of the class. The great majority of students did quite well. Focus was on content and French presentation skills. Next week, students will be presenting a music composition they are creating and will have a chance to showcase a music talent they have.

This is what students were asked to show you (with grades/comments):

Évaluation Présentation du Poster de Musique

Name of presenter: ________________            May 2016
  Évaluateur: __________

You spoke French during the presentation: __Yes/No/Most of the time__

You spoke clearly and loud enough for classmates to hear you well: _____

You had good information to share about your topic: _____

Your poster was complete, colourful and had few spelling mistakes: _____

Comments:  ________________________________________________



Friday, May 13, 2016

Musique en 6è année!

Bonjour! We are learning about music in class. Students all have a Music Appreciation Google Drawing page. It is located in their Hapara Music Folder. Students can access this folder by going to the school's website, clicking on Student Portal and going in Hapara.
Hapara Student Portal (Link to Hapara and much more!)

Monday, May 9, 2016

Speaking French in Class update!

Good morning, bonjour! Last week, we finished our latest classroom French speaking game: "Bonbons dans un bocal". It went very well. The great majority of students spoke French all the time! Part of the game rules Dylan, Maggie, Chris and Ben came up with was that students who got caught speaking English would have to do additional homework. Eight students have a bit of catching up to do. Please check your child's agenda. If your son or daughter doesn't have additional homework today, it is because they spoke French during our 4 weeks of afternoon French speaking game! The top three winners were Sophie, Anika and Hana. Again, merci à Ben, Maggie, Dylan et Chris!

Next, today or tomorrow, we are starting a new French speaking game called: 'Cube'. Hana, Rachel, Braeydon, Jack et William are the group leading the way with this new initiative! Using a google document they shared together, the group outlined les règles du jeux (rules of the game).

Friday, May 6, 2016

Exciting News!! Des nouvelles excitantes!

Our students continue to be fantastic contributors and citizens of our community!!
First, congratulations to Ian who came up with the winning name for our Radio Show: The Bee Hive Live!! Listen to our radio show that aired at lunch today and Mrs Green's announcement:
1st Bee Live Hive Radio Show!!

$644 is how much Max and his team were able to raise for Cystic Fibrosis!! They did this on their own with very little help from adults of the school! Amazing! Je suis très fier de vous! Bravo! M.K.

Students: keep up leading the way with great initiatives! Remember what I always tell you: if you want something good to take place, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!  :-)