Homework: please practice your song and dance moves (lyrics posted below, song has been posted in each student's Hapara Music Folder in their Google Drive) for our Musical Theatre Performance for parents on Friday, December 16th at 1:05-1:45 PM. All parents are invited! Rehearse twice each evening this week. The dress rehearsal presentation for students of the school will be the day before.
What to wear during your performance (as suggested by our choreographer Robin):
Gr 6B
Mark Kennedy
Seize the Day (Newsies)
1899 newsboys - washed out colours eg grey, white, beige, black; button shirts, suspenders, caps, vests. Tuck pants into soccer socks to look like short pants.
If you wish to do a bit more for French: read a French book. Remember that you can borrow one of my French Les Débrouillards magazine if you don't have French literature available.
White Elephant Sale: remind your parents that if they have used (but not used up) items to donate to our Vente Bric à Brac, we are collecting them now! Bring them to school.
Show Mom or Dad your conjugaisons Quiz result. Fifteen students out of 22 received an A- or better. It shows that most students understand the conjugaisons patterns quite well. Soon, we will have another quiz but this time, you will have to rely on your memory only, and won't be allowed to use the Chrome Book and helpful internet websites. I will let you know ahead of time so you can prepare. We will also continue working on French verbs in the classroom.
Seize the Day! (Kennedy)
Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay
Nothing can break us
No one can make us
Give our rights away
Arise and seize the day
Now is the time to seize the day
(Now is the time to seize the day)
Send out the call and join the fray
(Send out the call and join the fray)
Hearts will be righted
If we're united
Let us seize the day
Friends of the friendless, seize the day
(Friends of the friendless, seize the day)
Raise up the torch and light the way
(Raise up the torch and light the way)
Proud and defiant
We'll slay the giant
Let us seize the day
Neighbour to neighbour
Father to son
One for all
And all for one
Open the gates and seize the day
(Open the gates and seize the day)
Don't be afraid and don't delay
(Don't be afraid and don't delay)
Nothing can break us
No one can make us
Give our rights away
Neighbour to neighbour
Father to son
One for all
And all for one!