Monday, December 7, 2015

French Immersion Homework TWO weeks up to Dec. 18th

Bonjour mes chers/chères étudiants/étudiantes!

For homework these next two weeks leading up to the Christmas Holidays:

1. Prepare for this Friday's White Elephant Sale. Start by reading the previous posted blog.
2. This is a busy time for families. Many of you already help quite a bit at home. That is wonderful! Your task is to find out how else you can help at home. Can you help with household chores (dishes, cleaning your room etc.)? Maybe you can help a sibling with homework? How can you help your Mom or Dad prepare for Christmas? Talk to them, see if there are any jobs you can help with in and around the house. Make a list of helpful chores you can do to contribute to your family for the next two weeks. Spend time completing chores each day. :-)
3. Do something nice for someone every day during this Advent season! Keep a door open for someone walking through. Greet someone by looking at them in the eyes and saying: ''Hello!''. Thank someone for something they did for you.

Optional French homework (mandatory homework will resume in January):
4. Keep reading in French and recording it on your Défi-Lecture worksheet that is kept in your agenda.
5. Choose one of the tasks from the list we generated to help improve your French. Track it on your Hapara document.

                                Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2016!   M.K.

Friday, December 4, 2015

White Elephant Sale: help needed! Please read...

Friday, December 4th, 2015
Dear Parents:

This year the Grade 6 students and teachers are holding our school’s third annual White Elephant Sale on Friday, December 11th, to raise funds for our advent hampers as well as our end of the year field trip.  We are asking the St. Cecilia School community to donate gently used, clean items prior to December 10th.  The Grade 6 students and teachers will be sorting donations into different categories to make shopping more convenient.  Categories include:  books, toys, stuffed animals, CDs, movies, puzzles, games, Christmas knickknacks, jewelry (no used earrings please), crafts and household items.  We will not be accepting clothing or footwear.  Last year was a success due to the excitement of the students as they found bargains to bring home and the generosity of the families who took the time to find items at home suitable for our sale.
We will be happy to accept donations of gently used, clean items anytime now up until December 10th in our Grade 6 classrooms or at the office.  On Friday, December 11th, each class will have the opportunity to come to the gym and shop.  Items will be marked in increments of 25 cents and most likely will be priced in the range of 25 cents to $5.  This may be an opportunity for young students to do some Christmas shopping.  In the meantime, please look through ‘no longer needed items’ in your home and consider donating to our White Elephant Sale.  We would also greatly appreciate donations of wrapping paper, tissue paper and gift bags.  This is in keeping with our gospel value of stewardship of the environment. Remember that ‘one person’s junk is another person’s treasure’.
With thanks in advance,
The Grade 6 Teachers

Thank you all so much for your support and generosity!!

The Grade 6 Team!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

French Homework Week of Nov.30th - Dec.7th

Continue with Défi-Lecture and with a French task/project of your choice. Choose it from the list given last week (see last week's post). Continue to record your work on the document provided to you in your French Hapara folder.

Félicitations à Anika! She completed the Défi-Lecture! She read French literature for TWENTY/20 hours!! Fantastique!

Craft Day tomorrow afternoon (Thurs. Dec. 3rd). A reminder to bring in craft materials/supplies and old (or new) Christmas cards. We are creating our own Christmas cards and will be selling them during the White Elephant Sale next Friday (Dec. 11th). Last year they sold out in two hours! I will be providing some craft supplies but the more we have the more cards we can do!

Parents/students: if you have hand soap to provide to our classroom (from a plastic dispenser, sold at the dollar store or other), we could use some in our classroom. Merci! M.K.

Monday, November 23, 2015

This week's French Homework (Monday, Nov.23rd to Monday, Nov.30th)

Please do about 20 to 30 minutes of homework on four different evenings. If you do 20-30 minutes tonight, tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday, you will have the weekend off! :-)

Task 1: Continue to read at least for one hour this week in French. Continue tracking it using your Défi Lecture worksheet which you must keep in the plastic pocket at the front of your agenda. You can read with a sibling and count it as homework!

Task 2: Pick a good French homework activity (see below for suggestions) and work on it for at least 30 minutes this week. Record your work on the worksheet entitled: "Track your French Homework" found in your French Hapara Folder. Show it to your parents and keep them informed!

NEW THIS WEEK AND GOING FORWARD! Pick a FUN and CREATIVE French homework task from the following list or come up with your own!! Record your progress on your French tracking sheet in Hapara. You can do this individually or with a partner. You could even do a Google Hangout if working in partners... always ask permission to your parents or teacher first! Happy learning!! M.K.
1. Go to  Use our class code: Ottawa99 to sign-in. Create a French bitstrip. Use good French vocabulary and sentence structures. Have someone with good knowledge of French go over it with you and help you edit your work. Show your teacher the work you did. You can use humour (no violence or troublesome content).
2. Fais une biographie d'un célébrité que tu aimes sur Google Slides!
3. Read a French book on your own or to an adult or a sibling. Record your voice once you know the book well. Save your recording on your google drive (and Hapara), bring your book to class, share your recording and the book with your class!
4. Edmodo: go to student portal to access it ( le professeur peut donner des devoirs ici, les étudiants peuvent partager les choses ici...
5. Fais un Imovie en français...
6. Un mot-caché (word search), trouves-en un sur l'internet, imprime le papier et fais l'activité.
7. Va à 'French' et fais plusieurs activités en français! Record your work.
8. Create your own flashcards: write strong French words you learned. At the back, write a French sentence in which the word is used. You can also put the English translation if you wish.
9. French... login: S###### (S = your student number, same as last year), Password: Welcome2XY (XY = your initials). Regarde un vidéo français et écris un petit résumé du vidéo.
10. BookFlix... demande à Braeydon
11. Powtoon en français: création d'un vidéo!
12. Trouver des activités de compréhension (.PDF files on the internet) française avec des questions. Imprime le texte et les questions. Répond aux questions. Remet le travail à ton professeur!
13. With your Mom or Dad's approval, do a Science experiment (related to our Science theme). En français. Bring it to school. Ask your teacher. Present to students!
14. Reading AtoZ booklets en français... demande à M. Kennedy pour les copies!
15. Utilise le green screen à l'école et des cartes géographiques pour expliquer des pays et villes intéressantes du monde!

Monday, November 9, 2015

French Homework Week Nov 9th to Nov 16th

Hello Parents, bonjour les étudiant(e)s.

Notes:  -We are going to the Learning Commons this afternoon. We will look at more French books that are available to us. I have a good size selection in class for you to borrow if you don't have many to choose from at home. As I repeated before, if you need to trade you book or want to bring one home, choose one from our French bins of books, tell me so I can record it and take it home!
-Our projets bio-diversité: presentations have taken longer than anticipated. All of you will be able to show your Mom or Dad your results. I will give you a copy of your final assessment (with the success criteria list you were handed) by the end of this week.
-Parents are welcome to attend (and watch our gr.6 French Immersion students recite the poem) our Remembrance Day service this Wednesday at 10:45 in our school gymnasium.

Homework:  -Continue to read in French (out loud is always best) at least four evenings this week for 20 minutes each time. Record your times on the Défi Lecture sheet. A reminder to keep the sheet in your agenda.
-Wednesday: we are presenting to the school community our Au Champ d'Honneur poem. Most students know it by heart. If you don't, you only have two more evenings to practice. Today's Google Hangout with Mlle Carroll's class showed us how well prepared many students are! :-)

That's it for now. Any questions or concerns, let me know!!  M.K.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Homework/Devoirs Nov.2 to Nov.6th

Please have your: Au Champ D'Honneur poem memorized by this Friday. If you read it over three times out loud each night last week as required you should be close to knowing it well. Please read your poem over 3-4 times tonight, tomorrow and Thursday night and that should do the trick! Already 5 students know it by heart. If that is the case for you, take this time to focus on other homework! 

This Friday: you will be asked to recite the Poem in front of the class. Please be ready. Any questions or concerns, ask! :-)  M.K.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

French Homework: Monday, Oct.26th to Nov. 1st

1. Catch up on this website... read other posted blogs.
2.Continue with your Défi-Lecture daily French reading. You should be reading 4 times this week for at least twenty minutes each time. Record on your Défi-Lecture worksheet which is kept in your agenda pocket.
3. Read the ''Au Champ d'Honneur'' Remembrance Day poem (In Flanders Fields in French). All gr.6 students will be reciting it together on Remembrance Day.
4. OPTIONAL HOMEWORK: do a bit of extra... you choose... I will make good suggestions in class and post ideas on this website by Friday! If you do extra homework, record it on the tracking sheet I shared with you in your Hapara Folder.

Questions? Ask! :-)  M.K.

Au Champ d'Honneur (Jour du Souvenir - Remembrance Day)

Practice reading this out loud once each evening. On November 11th, here at School, all gr.6's will be reading it to our community in the gym. Stay posted for exact time. 

Au Champ d'Honneur (pour le Jour du Souvenir)

Finally updated! Thank you, merci, for your patience! M. Kennedy

I posted the links, as promised... scroll below.

This week's homework: 

  •      Check your new homework tracking sheet in your Hapara Folder AND show your Mom or Dad. In your agenda, please have Mom or Dad sign the following note and sign: ''I saw your updated website and the homework tracking sheet.'' Mom/Dad   
 French Immersion Gr. 6 Homework Tracking Sheet

Friday, October 2, 2015

Le site web de M.Kennedy! 6'è année Immersion St. Cecilia Apprendre Ensemble! Learning Together!

Bonjour les ami(e)! Welcome students and parents to M. Kennedy's website. Please check this website on a weekly basis. More will be added in the weeks to come. 

Please take a look at the 'Défi Lecture' sheet. I also attached the 'guidelines' as discussed in class. Try and read four times a week for 20 minutes. Most students have read quite a bit already! 20 hours is our goal! Read alone, read with a parent or with a sibling... en FRANÇAIS! :-)

Also attached, for parents who missed the 'Meet the Teacher' evening, is the handout with classroom expectations and procedures. 

Merci! M. Kennedy

Défi-Lecture Link

Meet the Teacher Kennedy Handout